Sunday 31 January 2016

XPages on IBM Bluemix - working with wrong ID file

This is an easy one, but I still think it is worth mentioning all the different findings about a new technology like IBM Bluemix. During my tests with XPages on IBM Bluemix, I once made a little mistake. I forgot to switch to the IBM Bluemix ID file before I started modifying the design of the Bluemix app.

Obviously this is easily possible within Domino Designer. I was also able to deploy my changes to IBM Bluemix, but the new XPage could not be called due to an access issue we know from our good old domino environment too!

Signing the design element and another deployment to Bluemix solved the issue.
Good old Domino security - makes perfectly sense to me :-) It would be really nice to have an option to sign the design during the deployment process though!
(BTW: this is a rather old post which was still unpublished - but I think the deployment process is still the same)


  1. How were you able to modify the design then?

  2. The NSF with the XPages design which you download from Bluemix as starter code is not locally encrypted. So you can (on purpose or accidentially) access and modify it with different ID files and deploy these changes with unauthorized signatures to Bluemix. Hopefully signing the design will be added to the deployment process - at least optionally.


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